Model- and Component-Based Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
Janos Sztipanovits
Institute for Software Integrated Systems, Vanderbilt University
Model- and component-based design have yielded dramatic increase in design productivity in several narrowly focused homogeneous domains, such as signal processing, control and aspects of electronic design. However, significant impact on the design and manufacturing of complex cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as vehicles has not yet been achieved. This talk describes challenges of and solution approaches to building a comprehensive design automation tool suite for complex CPS. The primary driver for the OpenMETA tool suite was to push the boundaries of “correct-by-construction” methods to decrease significantly the costly design-build-test-redesign cycles in design flows. The discussion will focus on the impact of heterogeneity in modeling, analyzing and optimizing CPS designs. This challenge is compounded by the need for rapidly evolving design flows by changing/updating the selection of modeling languages, analysis and verification tools and synthesis methods. Based on experience with the development of OpenMETA and with the evaluation of its performance in a complex CPS design challenge, the talk will argue that the current vertically integrated, discipline-specific tool chains for CPS design need to be complemented with horizontal integration layers that support model integration, tool integration and design process integration. The presented arguments will be based on the OpenMETA technical approach including the new integration layers, an overview of the technical framework used for their implementation and on practical experience with their application.
Dr. Janos Sztipanovits is currently the E. Bronson Ingram Distinguished Professor of Engineering at Vanderbilt University and founding director of the Institute for Software Integrated Systems. Between 1999 and 2002, he worked as program manager and deputy director of DARPA Information Technology Office. He was member of the US Air Force Science Advisory Board between 2006 and 2010. His current research interest includes the foundation and applications of model and component-based design of Cyber Physical Systems, design space exploration and systems-security co-design technology. He leads the CPS Virtual Organization and he is co-chair the CPS Reference Architecture and Definition public working group established by NIST in 2014. In 2014/2015 he was elected to be member of the Steering Committee of the Industrial Internet Consortium. He was founding chair of the ACM Special Interest Group on Embedded Software (SIGBED). Dr. Sztipanovits was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 2000 and external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2010.